Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

Pesona Masjid Ortakoy dan Jembatan Bosphorus

LIBUR musim dingin telah tiba. Bagi pelajar yang sedang menempuh pendidikan di Turki dan negara-negara yang memiliki empat musim mungkin sekarang sedang berbahagia karena dapat liburan dua minggu. Masa liburan biasanya waktu yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh setiap orang. Begitu pula saya.
Pada liburan musim dingin kali ini, saya coba berkunjung ke salah satu masjid bersejarah di Istanbul, yakni Masjid Ortakoy Camii. Nama aslinya adalah Ortakoy Buyuk Mecidiye Camii yang artinya Masjid Raya Sultan Abdul Mejid. Masjid ini dibangun pada abad 18, antara tahun 1953-1956, atas perintah dari Sultan Ottoman Abdul Mejid.
Masjid ini sempat direnovasi pada masa pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Juga sempat ditutup karena proses renovasi yang menghabiskan waktu tiga tahun. Tapi sekarang telah dibuka kembali. Para pengunjung dari mana pun bebas berkunjung ke sana. Bangunan yang tidak begitu luas, namun memiliki desain yang begitu indah dan keklasikannya yang membuat setiap pengunjung ingin berlama-lama di dalam bangunan itu serta ingin terus melaksanakan ibadah seperti shalat dan mengaji.

Minggu, 30 November 2014

Menyeberang ke Eropa dalam Hitungan Menit

SAAT ini saya sudah beberapa minggu berada di Turki atau lebih dikenal dengan julukan Bumi Al-Fatih, tepatnya di Istanbul bagian Asia. Ya, Istanbul merupakan satu-satunya kota yang berada di dua benua sekaligus, yaitu Asia dan Eropa.
Karena saya mahasiswa baru pada tahun ini, jadi saya harus mengurus berbagai keperluan, seperti pembuatan kartu pelajar, kartu transportasi, surat izin tinggal, mendaftarkan handphone ke kantor pajak, registrasi ke universitas yang diterima, dan lain-lain.
Pengurusan tersebut tak semuanya bisa diurus di Istanbul bagian Asia, melainkan di Istanbul bagian Eropa. Maka dari itu saya harus mencapai tujuan tersebut dengan menggunakan berbagai macam moda transportasi yang ada di sini seperti bus, kereta api, kapal, dan kereta api bawah laut.

Ke Eropa Naik Kapal

Puji dan syukur yang selalu saya panjatkan ketika mendapatkan kesempatan untuk memperoleh beasiswa penuh dari pemerintah turki untuk melanjutkan pendidikan s1 saya. Tak terpikirkan sebelumnya bahwa negara yang terletak di dua benua ini adalah tempat yang akan menjadi sumber pengetahuan saya.

Saya memang baru beberapa hari berada di negara ini. Namun banyak hal yang sudah saya dapatkan, mulai dari penyambutan di bandara oleh pihak penyelenggara beasiswa ini hingga kami diantarkan ke asrama masing-masing.

Setelah 3 hari berada di asrama, tepatnya di Uskudar, Istanbul, saya dan seluruh penerima beasiswa segera mengurus keperluan untuk pelajar yang baru datang, seperti regitrasi asrama, registrasi kelas bahasa, dan pembuatan kartu pelajar untuk transportasi. Kelebihan memiliki kartu pelajar ini, tarif yang dikenakan akan lebih murah 50 % dari tarif kartu transportasi umum.

Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

Developing a Good and Positive Human Relation in Local NGO (LCO)

A.    Background
Many ways to make a good relationship among public service with people. Even like government institution, company, research center, NGO, and comunity have their own way to make the good service for the people. Although sometimes there’re some internal or external constraints and conflicts, but they have their own way to overcome the problems. So, for this example, we choose a local NGO to identify any conflicts in the workplace and how to overcome the conflicts. That NGO is named Lost Children Operation (LCO).
Lost Children Operation (LCO) located in Peukan Bada sub-district. LCO is a local NGO that focus on children protection and education, this NGO gets response from the public, although still requiring development. This institution built as a legitimate local NGO on May 25th, 2005 that led by Tgk. H. Abdullah Madyah. This institution was born after earthquake and tsunami disaster in 2004. In principle is to looking for the children who survived from disaster by visiting places of potential. According to the concept, this institution get special attention from the public. At first, this institution is under the coordination and funded by DPD-RI and then taken over by the funding and support of charitable institutions from Japan, namely People’s Association on-Conscience (PAC) in Kyoto, Japan.

I'm Interested in ...

Every single body has their own interested in, although they don't say it by words, but they will say it by their activities or their body language. according to that, I will tell about if I'm interested in sociology, because I love social working. I have some experiences about social working. I also join in some organizations that focus about social working. So, I want to learn more about sociology. As we know, too many natural disasters occurred in Indonesia everywhere, so that all victims need our help through our social, justice, careness to lessen their suffering. I love social, especially socialize to the children who need happiness, sometimes I like to be the teacher for them to teach every basic lessons and give some motivations. I like world child. So in this opportunity, I want to choose Sociology Department to continue my higher education. In the past, many friends always ask me to do their homework together, surely I always help them to understand about the lesson as I can. Actually I’m not clever on that, but my friends didn't care about that, the important thing is I can help a little bit it’s enough. Because they said that they like the person like me who sincerely help each other without hope anything. 

In Addition, I also interested in Communication Department, because human being need to communicate to get the information, share experiences or create interactions with other people. Everybody must to talk, even though without words, but our expressions, movement, and intention are include to Communication. I want to build link with all people wherever they are. I really want to pursue my education in those Department. I can accomplish my ability if given the chance to get the way like scholarship. I like to be a social worker and I like to build relationship through Communication. 

**Nyakti Mardalena**

Rabu, 02 April 2014

My Experiences in Social Activities

In my social activities. I’ve done some activities in my life, when I was the child, I join to be the member of Children Forum of Banda Aceh. When I was in Senior High School I joined in OSIS  as a Secretary. And now I formed the organization in Peukan Bada the name is KSA. I also join in Himpunan Mahasiswa Peukan Bada (HIMAPDA), I was the secretary of Women protection. Many experience I got when I do my social work.

When I join in Children Forum of Banda Aceh, many social activities have down, like we visited to the orphanage to give some spirit to them, tell them about this organization, ask them to eat together, we always invited them to come to the children’n event. We also give the spirit to the children victims of conflict and tsunami and we also celebrate the National Children’s Day with the competition to the children, performance of the children, etc. When I was be the reprensatitive from Aceh to celebrate National Children’s Day in Jakarta, I share all my experience to them about how the children life and how their condition in Aceh. Others Children also share like that.

When I was in Senior High School, I ever follow the Peace Camp in Pulo Aceh for a week. This activity made by The Frontiers, the NGO from Korea that focus to the children in Aceh. In Peace Camp, many social activities have down, like we create harmonization to be peace, we clean the beach in Pulo Aceh together, we tell to Pulo Aceh people that they have the high potential in vacation place, so we have to keep it together. We also went to the people house and plant the tree in every house in there, and we also give them the bottle of syrup.

When I formed my own organization, we have many planning in social activities. But it is still under way in teaching-studying process in Elementary School in Peukan Bada. All member of KSA be a volunterr as the teacher, we teach sincerely because we hope the next generation can change this country to be big impact to all people.

                                                              **Nyakti Mardalena**

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Apa itu twitter?

a.      Pengertian Twitter

Twitter merupakan salah satu layanan jejaring sosial yang termasuk dalam kategori microblogging, yaitu cara ngeblog singkat yang hanya dibatasi 140 karakter saja di dalam sebuah postingan.[1]
Twitter adalah sebuah aplikasi berbasis web yang memudahkan anda untuk keep in touch dengan orang-orang yang anda inginkan.[2]

b.      Sejarah Twitter

Sejarah twitter mulai dari didirikan Maret 2006 oleh Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, dan Biz Stone. Pada tahun 2006 Williams dan Biz Stone mendirikan Obvious Corp bersama dengan Odeo mantan karyawan. Sejarah Twitter diciptakan sebagai perusahaan yang terpisah pada April 2007 oleh Obvious Corp Jack Dorsey adalah chief executive officer dari kegugupan sampai Oktober 2008 ketika Williams menjadi CEO dan Dorsey bergeser ke posisi ketua dewan direksi.
Sejak pembentukannya pada tahun 2006, Twitter telah menjadi sangat populer di seluruh dunia.Twitter adalah yang paling cepat berkembang mikroblogging gratis software yang memungkinkan anda untuk tetap berhubungan dengan orang melalui cepat, sering jawaban untuk satu pertanyaan: Apa yang kamu lakukan? Bahwa salah satu pertanyaan kecil telah meluncurkan revolusi media.[3]